Saturday, November 24, 2007

A Very Murakami Holiday

From all corners of the globe, the members of the Murakami Sound Machine wish you and yours a blissful holiday. But, fret not, after this Thanksgiving weekend is over we shall reconvene to produce, new, seasonal material to enliven already lively poetry readings from here to Evanston!

So check back for new shows, dates, locations, times, etc.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Murakami Sound Machine Sings!

Pictures from our publicity event last month or whatever.

Attn: Cousins Bone Here: The Murakamite Manifesto

1. We are making poetry readings less boring or, at the very least, louder.

2. We are firmly Post-Ironic.

3. We are the wine reduction of poetry world.

4. We are not so much about performing poetically as we are about presenting poems performatively. Henceforth, we are not performance artists. Not mimes, either. We are writers who aren't afraid of people.

5. We will continue to be "an assemblage of Kristy's students who proceeded to hilariously conflate the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers with the lonely vagaries of poetry-making. You kind of had to be there." -Joshua Corey

6. We are Crazy, Sexy, Cool.

7. We will Bop to the Top.

8. We are process over product.

9. We want to keep poetry adaptive and fluid, not stagnant in form or presentation.

10. We still respect the intelligence of the audience.

11. We believe that poetry readings should always involve drinking and laughing or at least nodding a lot. Like football games.

12. Poetry is to be shouted and sung and danced, but not for the sake of the actor.

13. The audience, the reader, the public, our friends, web surfers, poets, and anti-poets are all essential.

14. Poetry is relevant and essential to contemporary life.